Acai Berry Detox Consumer Trap: UGGHHHH! I have NO control over the ads on this page!

Let me state at the outset that this lens is not about Acai Berry Detox, the product; it is about the method employed in selling the product.
Presently, there is a serious consumer trap being set online.
For those of you who don't like reading a lot of detailed information, here it is in a nutshell:
You are offered a free trial.
You will be sent enough product for 30 days. All you need to pay for is shipping and handling.
Somewhere in the fine print, which you overlook or never see in the first place, you are told that you need to cancel within 15 days. If you do not cancel within 15 days, you are charged an outrageous price for your 'free' trial.
On top of that, you are automatically subscribed for monthly shipments and charges. These are spaced in such a way that by the time you find your first charges on your credit card, you will have been charged twice already.
Since we are talking two complementary products, that is 4 outrageous charges, over $ 500.00 in one month. If you then check with your credit card company, you will be told that this is perfectly legal and happens all the time.
You will be given a telephone number to cancel the subscription. Since the product comes from Great Britain, you must phone in the middle of the night.
If you have already fallen for this offer, please check your credit card statement very carefully. They use a different name each time they charge you.
IQ 138; Street Smarts 000 - How could I have been so dumb?
A few weeks ago, sweating bullets trying to set up my online business, I came across an offer similar to the one you see in the above ad.
At the time I was doing keyword research in an attempt to select a niche market for myself. One of the items I had thought of researching more fully was supplements, seeing as I take some myself and am very interested in doing everything in my power to stay healthy - or as it says in my Ezine author resource box - die healthy.
I had heard about Acai and its benefits, and since this seemed to be a 'free' trial offer, and since I like being able to speak from personal experience, my guard was down. I ordered the 'free' trial, agreed to pay the $ 3.95 for shipping and handling and gave my Visa information, because they did not take paypal.
Within a reasonably short time a sample arrived from England.
When I discovered the shipping charges on my Visa statement, I noticed that they were not really $ 3.95/each but £ 3.95 - $ 6.61 Can/each. Still, who's going to make a fuss over the shipping price of a 'free' product, right?
Acai Berry Detox Consumer Trap
How can we protect ourselves?
As you can tell by the order form, there is no reason to suspect that the product comes all the way from Great Britain. Shipping prices are given in Dollars.
It talks about a 30 day sample.
Yes, now that we know what we now know, it also says 15 day trial.
At this point I am so paranoid, I don't even dare enter into the ordering process far enough to investigate whether it does state anywhere just how expensive this entire package is.
Imagine! £79.00 plus shipping totals more than $ 130.00 per bottle.
There'd better be gold in those little pills!
Free Trial Acai Berry Detox - Read the small Print!
How often do we overlook the small print, especially if it stretches on and on ....
They're going out of their way to make themselves look LOCAL and coming highly recommended.
Unless there truly is gold in those little capsules, I am hard pressed to understand why I can purchase pure Acai berry capsules locally for $ 15.00, compared to theirs for $ 130.00.
I did not find out about all the trouble I had put myself in until I received the first 're-order' in the mail. On the customs declaration the value was given as £ 79.00.
I phoned Visa to see if I had already been charged for the £79.00 item. Imagine my horror when I learned that not only had I been charged, I had actually been charged 4 times - once for each sample and once for the re-order!
The Visa resolutions person explained to me that I must have clicked on a box stating that I agree to all the terms and conditions. She explained further that they get calls about this all the time. She actually tried to make me feel better by reassuring me that I am not the only person to have fallen for this scam.
Apparently, somewhere in the terms and conditions it states that one must cancel the trial within 15 days. If one fails to do so, the order automatically converts to a monthly contract. Imagine £ 79.00 twice a month!
That night, in the middle of the night, I phoned Great Britain to cancel. The person I spoke with actually gave me a little hope that in addition to canceling the product shipments I might receive at least some of my money back.
A day later I received an email, asking for detailed information. I supplied it, still hoping we might meet half way.
The verdict? Nothing! Nada! Zilch!
Basically I should kiss their feet for even canceling the contract.
Can you afford to lose $ 500.00? Neither can I.
The Latest on my Acai Berry Detox 'Free Trial' Adventure:
Here's what's happening
However -
We are now running around in circles. Here is a copy/paste of this morning's email:
"In order to be able to issue you the full refund, we would like to ask you to forward us your bank statement with the charges you would like us to credit back to you. This document should indicate clearly that it corresponds to your bank account. "
Actually, this is an exact duplicate of one I received last week already, to which I replied that since they charged my credit card, they can credit my credit card.
I'm going to keep on fighting this, but, please, pass this on. In my research (after the fact, unfortunately) I discovered all kinds of people all over the world who have fallen into this trap.
Also, let me remind you once again, they use a great variety of different names to charge your credit card. If you are not extra vigilant in checking your statement, you may not even be aware of having been charged by them.
As you can see, I am not into promoting this product.
The Absolute Latest!
Here are the names to watch out for.
I have received half of my money back. While that is not very satisfying, it is better than nothing.Please watch out for these names, which all may appear on your credit card statement, a different name for every charge:
Vitality Clean
Strong Health
Amazing Life
Youth Health
Trading Planet
Why would one legitimate company require all these names?
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